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Now on air

Tuesday, 10/282
05:00 PM PT
Hosted by Katt Nicholson.
The Intuition Hour with Kathleen Nicholson serves as a home where others can highlight their own spiritual gifts as well as initiate a forum of charitable organizations through people who share their personal experiences when faced with circumstances or events that touch our hearts and souls. It is a place to manifest and witness the miracles of humanity.

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Coming up next

Tuesday, 10/282
06:00 PM PT
Hosted by Kelly.
Empowerment is the experience of connecting to your true self. Empowerment with Kelly Whetstone offers practical ways to make that connection. From inspiring guests to energetic power tools it is all about expanding your awareness of who you really are and allowing that awareness to work for you in your day to day life. You will not want to miss the energy shift as we explore the vast subject of empowerment.

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