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Now on air

Friday, 02/52
02:00 AM PT
Hosted by Kelly.
Empowerment is the experience of connecting to your true self. Empowerment with Kelly Whetstone offers practical ways to make that connection. From inspiring guests to energetic power tools it is all about expanding your awareness of who you really are and allowing that awareness to work for you in your day to day life. You will not want to miss the energy shift as we explore the vast subject of empowerment.

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Coming up next

Friday, 02/52
03:00 AM PT

Hi, I'm Laurie... Welcome to my show!

I'm here to help you live your life from a place of love instead of fear!

Calling upon my years of spiritual and metaphysical studies, as well as my own organic gifts, I use many different tools to help guide you towards the answers you seek.

It has been such a blessing to have spent the last few years studying in the world-renowned Spiritual Psychology program at the University of Santa Monica. The teachings have helped me immensely, and I would love to use what I have learned to help you.

I hope to take you higher, inspire you, give you food for thought, and help you live your best, most fulfilled life.

Let's all learn how to live more happily in the world as truly spiritual beings in physical form!

Sometimes there will be a specific topic, and other times we will go with the flow. You can ask questions, and we can chat about whatever feels present.

I'll have guests, take calls, and answer questions from the Facebook chat./p>

I can also be reached for private spiritual psychology counseling sessions through my Instagram page @laurie.the.love.sherpa

If it's a live show, call in !

857-232-0155   ext  870303

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